So I mentioned this an age ago on Twitter (I ain’t calling that thing X) but wanted to do a quick post about this panel from issue #3 of Fenton Hud (and sorry for not talking about this book for a good age – hey, it’s still available to read for free if you click on the link at the top left!)

So yeah, this was an early thought for me with this book where I wanted Cuddles to come out of a pub in London that featured in This Life (which was this AWESOME drama on the BBC back in the 90’s). I had actually thought this pub had been knocked down but it’s still there and I walk by it every day as I go to work so I REALLY wanted to have it in the book.

I had to do a wee bit of rejigging on it – most of all putting an advert for the Brine’s beer on the sign (which is shown a few pages earlier in the book) and then in the second panel changing the store in the background to Stacy Roberts Decor which had an advert that appeared in the second issue.

Oh, and I took this photo during King Charles’ coronation which is why you have the flags showing. Sorry, just wanted to mention that!

More soon! Bear hugs!