So the cover to this issue was a journey. It’s a tough one as the story has Lloyd and Bear (with Griff) splitting off and having separate adventures so how do I show that on a cover?

I also had an idea of doing a cover where Griff got to add his name to the credits/logo so I went with that thought first (rather than face how to actually show what’s happening in the book!)

Thing is, I didn’t care for either idea I had!

So yeah, I had two ideas. One of Griff slashing through the cover with his metal claws (that feature in the issue) and announcing his name then the other idea was him pulling back the cover (which would have a image on it) and again announcing his name.

But as I said, I didn’t like either of them. The first one felt a bit aggressive and with the second one I just wasn’t feeling it (plus I’ve already had an issue where Bear is pulling back the cover soooooo…..)

So I went back to thinking how I could convey the actual issue and got inspired by two great comic book covers!

And here’s what I came up with!

It’s probably not noticeable but in my head Lloyd is split off from Bear and Griff (as it is in the issue) when they both face off against a robot Shoal.

As I said, this one was a journey but I’m happy with the end result. And I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but I really need to go with my instinct when creating a cover as it wasn’t until I came up with my final idea did I find it was super easy to put together and didn’t feel like a chore. Hopefully one day I’ll get that!

More soon! Bear hugs!