I’ve not posted in a few weeks but I’ve been taking some time out while also getting back in to drawing Lloyd and the Bear (while also moving along a wee bit with Fenton Hud)

But first of all, for those who went to MCM London – how good was that?!? My first time at a booth since 2019 and it was even better than I remember! The staff, setup and most of all the many AMAZING people who stopped by my booth!

And it was a bit scary for me and kinda felt like I was starting over (and I guess I was?). You see, back in 2019 I already had it in my head I would take some time out and then, well, y’know, 2020 happened. Coming back this year to MCM I had my new book and I had also decided to not do the parody prints and that felt like a risk. I mean, those things were popular but I REALLY wanted to push my books.

I had one person who noticed that I didn’t have the prints any more and was actually surprised that I even sold books! And that was the thing, I felt the prints took the attention away from the books so I wanted to make a change and the new table setup looked like this!

Pretty sparse with just my comics, books and a couple of prints and gubbins (but hey, the parodies are still there but now in postcard form – I think I’m going to try that again!)

So as I said, I’ve been taking a bit of time back and slowly easing myself back in to working on Lloyd and the Bear. The cover I’d shown for issue #18 (and the story that goes with it) is now going to be issue #19 as it made more sense. Here’s the first page of issue #18!

It occurred to me that if I had gone with the original idea for #18 which was going to be a two parter and didn’t involve Glorm that there would be a looooooong time to go until Griff found out about our friendly Shoal so I really needed to move things about as it made more sense.

So yeah, that’s where I am just now. Oh! And going back to MCM London – if this is your first time here please feel free to follow us on Facebook, Twitter (at least for the moment, not sure what to do about that!) and Instagram!

More soon! Bear hugs!

P.S. I’m really happy that I have Lloyd holding his new soft toy (which was first introduced in a Halloween short I did) Easter Eggs! Yay!