So back in July I planned to launch the first issue of Fenton Hud through Kickstarter and get the funding. I had two weeks booked off work so figured I could devote all my attention to it and I’d be good.

Then I got Covid.

After that, and using the rest of my holiday to actually relax I thought I’d have another go and set up the campaign and sent it off to be reviewed (or whatever it is that Kickstarter do) but then managed to get myself a place at Leicester Forbidden Planet for Small Press Day (yay!). I realised there wouldn’t be enough time to do the campaign and if I was successful get the book printed before the even so went ahead and paid for it myself (no treats for me that month).

So hey, two failed attempts but I was still really itching to do a campaign as I had a plan for the 2nd issue where you could back the project and have yourself in the book so I thought I’d go ahead and get funding for the second issue through Kickstarter.

I must admit that I wasn’t overly comfortable with doing this as my feelings are that you use Kickstarter to launch a book and then your sales from that allow for future books to be paid for buuuuut I REALLY wanted to go with my idea so I was gonna do it!

Then I got a table at MCM London (also yay!).

Now seriously, waaaaay better than Covid but I realised I didn’t have time to go through the campaign and get the book printed (sound familiar?) so I’m self funding again (hey, it’s my Birthday this month so I’m kinda regarding this as a treat to myself).

And here we are now! Issue #1 is available from our store (please do check it out), issue #2 is going to be launched at MCM and I’ve completed the cover to issue #3 which is going to be an iiiiiiinteresting book to put together.

It’s weird how it’s all played out but the important thing is I’m getting to put the comics out there and I’m sooooo happy with that! This was something I started thinking about back in 2019 and has been a huge enjoyable distraction for me during lockdown and Covid so it means a lot to me.

So yeah, check the store and if you’re going to MCM London at the end of October I’m in Artist Alley at table G24 (so happy to be in row G, coz, Gibson, right?)

More soon! Bear hugs!