Hey there!

Okay, so I haven’t posted in an age and I’m not only sorry about that but I also kinda want to talk about it too.

I’m still working on Lloyd and the Bear and Fenton Hud and really enjoying what I’m doing but I’ve come to realise that that’s kinda the problem too! You see, when I’m working on my books they’ve got my full attention and it’s only when I’m finished for the day I realise I haven’t posted on either here or any other platform I use!

Sometimes I think about posting something while I’m working but then I just want to do one more bit of artwork and before I know it it’s late in the day and I want to get some food(!)

I don’t know how to get around that either so if I’m quiet (like some 5 months quiet – eek!) that’s why. (Sorry!)

While I’m here self-reflecting and all that I should probably mention that I won’t be doing MCM London in October. Now don’t get me wrong, I love MCM and will probably be visiting as a punter but the convention has changed and it feels like if you want to sell your books you really have to push them and become a salesman which is really not me! Much like the admin, I’m not a fan (and I was even a saleman one and boy was I bad at it!) and it’s taking me away from what I do enjoy – making my books!

I’ll still be doing smaller conventions and will keep an eye out for what other conventions are going on but for the moment it looks like I’m going to be a bit quiet this year. This does mean I need to update my online store which, again, is admin so might not happen straight away but it is on my list!

As for the books, I’ve just finished all the line work on issue #19 of LatB and need to do some hefty planning and design work for issue #20 and figure I might take a bit of time out and get some pages of Fenton Hud #4 done.

Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to distance myself enough to do some more posts? Maybe?

Anyways, that’s me for now! Bear hugs!