Recently I put together the cover to issue #4 of Fenton Hud which involves a funeral for one of our heroes and it was a no-brainer to where it was going to be held but what was my thinking behind this?!?

So yes, that’s Elizabeth Tower in the background (otherwise called Big Ben) and if you’ve ever visited the area you’ll see that the shot was taken from Parliament Square (which is totally not a funeral spot). My reason for this was pretty simple in that I noticed that pretty much any US comic that does a London scene will use the Elizabeth Tower for reference!

I mean, it’s pretty iconic for sure so I get it and it make me think – why not use it myself for most weird and odd of reason (which is very Fenton Hud)?

The photo took a bit of effort to get as low as I could to the ground to take while avoiding any people in the background and then play with the perspective a bit. The other ‘real’ elements were taken from photos I took of a building’s wall by Southwark Bridge and then the ground outside St Paul’s Cathedral. A real nice mix of awesome areas of London!

I’ll be posting more Fenton related work soon as I’m going back to working on issue #3 (I might have skipped ahead to do this cover when I was on holiday recently as I was really excited to do it!)

Bear hugs!