So my initial plan of a splash page showing an evil HQ and then a full page advert all got squished in to one page. Why? Well, I felt doing a splash page and then a full page advert was really self-indulgent – especially when I was becoming aware that I was running out of pages to use for this issue!

So with that, I came up with this;

As always, I’m not finished with colouring/shading and there’s a few extra bits to add to the ‘splash’ panel but I really wanted to show you what I’ve been up to! And also to wang on about the process of coming up with the advert!

So as I was thinking about the left panel I realised it would be a good place to have an advert – especially as there must be people out there who design evil lairs, right?

And it went from there but naming the company was (and usually is) the hard part. I first went down the road of using a Thesaurus to find words for evil and the closest I got to was ‘Wicked Designs’ which has been used already. A lot!

I then thought I’d go with the designers name being used for the company and my initial idea was something with Helen in it – Helen/Hell, right? But I wasn’t impressed.

Then I weirdly thought of Stacy Roberts and I loved it! It’s a nice name, certainly not evil, and it got me thinking of a backstory. Like, how did Stacy end up designing homes and offices for evil geniuses with aspirations to take over the world? I’m not saying there’s a spin-off series in the works here but yeah, I just liked thinking about what could be going on there!

Feel free to post on Twitter with your ideas of who Stacy is! Me? I’m off to now finish the page and add some people to it!

More soon! Bear hugs!