Happy days! All the line work and writing has been done for issue #17! (okay, kinda. See in the PS’s…)

But I can finally show an example of how the book is going to play out!

So as mentioned before, this issue is a collection of short stories told by different people and from their own individual perspectives.

In between those short stories is a series of one panel responses with others who are also being interviewed (as it’s all for a documentary). The responses go from giving you a feeling of what adventures Lloyd and Bear have had, to those by friends (and enemies) that they (and we) have met before, and also some absolutely absurd stories in-between!

Do you want to see an example? Please?

When it comes to the colouring stage I’ll be adding in backgrounds but hopefully this page not only gives you an idea of what I’m up to but also gets you excited about the book! It’s been an interesting one to put together and really pushed me (I think I’ve mentioned that before..?)

I’ll be posting more pages to this issue as time goes on including the finished short stories.

As for the colouring stage? I’m going to put that on hold for a bit as I want to get back to drawing more Fenton Hud (which as per usual, I’m really missing! Seriously, whatever book I’m not on I start to miss after a few weeks!)

More soon! Bear hugs!

PS. I’ve yet to start on the final page of this book. I wanted to wait until everything was put together so I could fully work out the closing message. And man! I need to speak about how this issue has changed from it’s early planning! Soon! I promise!

(And yeah, I could have waited to post about this book once it was finally finished but I really wanted to post something and knew I was going to be moving back to Fenton Hud sooooo……..)