Self-indulgent update on issue #17!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted but I’m still busy working on issue #17 of Lloyd and the Bear!
As mentioned the short stories are done but I still need to come up with alien designs for the pages between the short stories. To be honest, I thought I was done until I realised I need another eight! Seriously, I thought I was done and even had a couple to spare! Oops! But yeah, design an alien, add a speech bubble with a story or joke or some such, it’s a push! Once done I’ll have 54(ish) new designs. Whew!
BUT I was super excited to do one of the panels where a character was going to introduce one of the short stories and found myself getting up early to working on it. I needed to create an alien to introduce the Ninja Turtles-esque short story I’d done and decided to go back and use a character I created when I was a kid – a (gadget) snail!
So back when I was a kid, and heavily influenced by Inspector Gadget, I came up with the idea of a snail with lasers from it’s antenna (I didn’t realise that that was actually a snail’s eyes when I was a kid) and had wings that popped out and other things which I totally can’t(!) that fought crows and the like. I don’t think I even got passed making one book (and I’m being generous saying book…)
But yeah, I had thought about bringing these guys in anyways (without the gadgets) at some point but really don’t know if it’ll happen so figured why not at least have them in a couple of panels?
And hey, this post probably doesn’t mean much but I really wanted to mention it.
Now I’ve got to get back and come up with eight more alien designs! Eek!
More soon! Bear hugs!
PS. I realise now that the antenna on a snails head is it’s eyes but young me didn’t know that and I wanted to stick with the original design. Check old me doing research!