Oh man this was a journey! I kept spotting mistakes and things I’d missed on these panels up to the last minute but I hope the end product works!

So yeah, this is my final short story (I seriously doubt there will be an extra page for this) for LatB issue #17 but rather than an ending this now opens a lot of doors for my work on the rest of the book! But hey, first let me show you the two Mignola-eque pages that is my nod and massive appreciation to Mike Mignola’s work (in my kinda style).

So there’s was a few updates to my first Hell-Lloyd-Bear panel and the full page itself.

Firstly I changed the doorway in that original panel as my big thing was that although I wanted to give this story a Mignola type look it still had to have design elements from LatB itself and them Shoal likes curved doors. Well, except docking bays…. um…..

Secondly (and I only noticed this after I’d thought I’d finished the second page) I’d missed icky Bear-goblin out of all but that first panel so had to go back and add him back in!

I kinda feel the crazy amount of lines on the Demon-Shoal is seriously NOT Mignola but I have a reason why I went down that road which I’ll post soon(ish?)

So, where does this leave us? Well, I now get to sort out which story goes where in the book and work on the wording for each story. I also have a TON of aliens to design for the panels between the shorts (see how on that second page – and previews I’ve shown before – there’s an empty panel? I need to design/lob an alien for panels like that)

And yeah, then I get to post about it and give you guys a clearer idea of what’s going on in this issue!

Also! I get to post my designs along the way AND (hopefully) some more thoughts on what I’ve done!

I’m seriously excited about this!

More soon! Bear hugs!